Condolence book opens for Sir Edmund Hilary

Tuesday 15 January 2008, 2:26PM

By New Plymouth District Council



New Plymouth District residents can pay tribute to Sir Edmund Hilary in a condolence book opened today at the council’s Civic Centre on Liardet St.

“Sir Edmund was an inspiration to everyone and holds a special place in our hearts,” says Mayor Peter Tennent.

“This condolence book is a way we can pay tribute to an amazing man who achieved remarkable things over his lifetime. Not only individual accomplishments, but his numerous not-for-profit projects here in New Zealand and for Himalayan communities.”

The Mayor and his family have already put their thoughts in the book. As too have the intrepid Australian kayakers, James Castrission and Justin Jones, who acknowledge Sir Edmund as an inspiration to cross the Tasman.

The condolence book will be in the Civic Centre’s foyer until Friday 25 January for the public to write messages of support and tribute for Sir Edmund. It will then be presented to Lady Hilary and family.