All-clear at Patea

Wednesday 6 February 2008, 7:52PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



Patea people have been given the all-clear to return to
homes evacuated earlier today because of a large fire at the
disused freezing works.

The decision to allow people to return was made after a
meeting between health authorities and Fire Service
officials at Patea this evening.

Up to 300 people were advised to evacuate their homes
because of smoke from the fire and concern about possible
asbestos contamination.

Taranaki Medical Officer of Health Richard Hoskins says the
all-clear was given because the acute risk was inhalation of
asbestos particles while airborne as part of smoke from the
fire. But the smoke has now settled and is not drifting
across the town, so the risk is minimized.

However, residents are advised not to stir up dust or allow
children to play in areas where the dust may have settled.

Other advice includes keeping windows closed, and to wear a
mask or damp cloth on the face if smoke resumes. Any washing
should be left on the line and any potentially contaminated
material should be bagged.

Anyone with concerns can contact the Taranaki District
Health Board Public Health Unit through their local hospital
during working hours.

The fire is still being damped down and Fire Service and
police will remain overnight and into tomorrow.

A Welfare Centre was set up today at Hicks Park in Hawera,
where there were 141 registrations from people displaced
during the event. Many other evacuees are believed to have
made their own arrangements for the day and not registered.

Dinner was provided tonight for 150 people, including
volunteers, with the Salvation Army playing a big role using
food that had been intended for the Pae Pae in the Park,
Patea’s Waitangi Day event that was cancelled because of
the fire.