Green MP to tackle gruelling fitness schedule

Saturday 9 February 2008, 8:08PM

By Green Party



Green Party MP Metiria Turei, who describes herself as “more of a hedgehog than a speed-hog”, has set herself a strenuous schedule of completing seven triathlons and one half marathon this summer.

The first of these is the Valentine’s Day Scorcher in Wellington this Sunday.

“I sometimes wonder if I have bitten off more than I can chew, but I am determined to give it a go. My primary goal is not to drown during the swim section and, that achieved, then to finish. As long as I am somewhere in the bottom third, I will be delighted,” she says.

Mrs Turei will be sporting a head to toe Green outfit.

What: Metiria Turei tackles the Valentine’s Day Scorcher
When: 8.15am, Sunday, 10 February 2008
Where: Scorching Bay, Wellington