Labour inconsistent over tertiary funding

Tuesday 12 February 2008, 1:37PM

By Dr Paul Hutchison



Labour's cynical stunt of taking $6 million in funding off the Southern Institute of Technology, and then granting the same provider a one-off $6.3 million grant smacks of political expediency, says National's Tertiary Education spokesman, Paul Hutchison.

"When the outcry over the withdrawal in funding became too much, Labour simply handed the funding back but called it a one-off grant.

"Labour's latest round of tertiary reforms have meant polytechnics like SIT have had to withdraw from providing teaching in areas that are not their home regions, but Labour has provided no evidence to show that this provides better quality teaching or better value for money.

"And the policy is not even consistent. Labour allows both wananga and universities to continue providing out-of-region services while penalising well-performing polytechnics.

"SIT is a proven, stellar performer both in Southland and around the country. Labour's heavy-handed attitude in preventing them from setting up wherever there is a need for high-quality, relevant, and value-for-money courses, will force students to accept second best."