Resignation of Memo Musa as CEO of Good Health Whanganui

Friday 28 March 2008, 9:27PM

By Tariana Turia



“Memo Musa has done the right thing in resigning, and accepting that it is the responsibility of management to be accountable for the whole operation of the District Health Board,” said Tariana Turia, Maori Party MP for Te Tai Hauauru.

“There have been too many issues creating the perception of a hospital in crisis, and something had to change in order to maintain public confidence.

“Mr Musa has taken personal responsibility, even though criticism of the DHB was not personal to him - though I suspect it may have seemed so to him from time to time,” she said.

“I respect Memo Musa’s decision, and I have no doubt that his next employer will benefit from the skills and experience he has to offer,” Mrs Turia added.