Trust encouraged by support

Saturday 12 April 2008, 1:30PM

By Waitangi National Trust



The Far North District Council has released the figures relating to submissions received in the resource consent process for the proposed new visitor centre on the Waitangi National Trust estate.

Of the 186 submissions received by the closing date of 4th April, council records show that 123 were in support of the application put forward by the Waitangi National Trust.

This means that twice as many submitters support the proposed development outlined in the application than those who oppose it.

Jeanette Richardson, CEO of the Waitangi National Trust, says that she is “very pleased with the level and breadth of support for the proposed visitor centre and for the ongoing work of the Waitangi National Trust.”

Jeremy Williams, Chair of the Waitangi National Trust says he is “very heartened by the positive response from fellow New Zealanders in relation to the vision of the Trust. We look forward to working with all interested people in the realisation of that vision.”