Ministers see industry training in action

Thursday 1 May 2008, 11:03AM

By Pete Hodgson



Tertiary Education Minister Pete Hodgson and his Associate Minister Maryan Street today saw the direct benefit of the government’s $180 million ongoing commitment to Industry Training through visits to several worksites.

Today was a chance to get to the grassroots and see the difference that investment is making for industry and for New Zealand’s young workers,” Pete Hodgson said after visiting Agriculture trainees at a dairy farm in Edendale.

The Ministers’ visits were part of a national Industry Training at Work Day, an initiative to promote trades training throughout the country. During 2007, more than 185,000 young workers nationwide participated in industry training.

“The government’s commitment to the ongoing success of Industry Training is reflected in its investment which will reach $180 million by 2010. That’s more than three times what it was in 2000,” said Maryan Street, who visited trainees at NZ Yachting Developments and Crown Flooring in Auckland.

The visits followed from the launch of the New Zealand Skills Strategy discussion paper on Tuesday, part of a nationwide dialogue on how to raise the country’s skills levels.

“The vital initiative will drive action across New Zealand to future-proof the economy. Industry Training is one of the tools that we will draw on to implement the strategy,” said the Ministers.

The New Zealand Skills Strategy has been developed through a partnership between Business New Zealand, the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions, the Industry Training Federation and government.

“We encourage communities and businessesto get involved in the consultation on the Skills Strategy, and support Industry Training,” the Ministers said.