No change in missing Jae Hyeon Kim case

Wednesday 18 June 2008, 7:45PM

By New Zealand Police



No change to the overnight situation.

Enquiries with the Kim family in Pusan have failed to identify any items that Jae Kim may have purchased before he left for New Zealand. A photograph taken in Nelson in early September 2003 shows Kim with a camera bag on his hip, however its make and serial number remain unknown.

The anonymous letter writer has not made contact, and to date, there has been no information from motorists who may have either picked up or seen a Korean hitch-hiker in the Charleston area around the October/November period of 2003.

Inquiry Head, Detective Inspector John Winter said that community interest in the case remained high. Police were considering their options as to the next course of action as they exhausted the logical avenues of enquiry. They remain in regular contact with the family in Pusan and with the Korean Consulate in Auckland.