Immigration Policy

Thursday 7 June 2007, 3:05PM

By Chamber of Commerce Southland



Yesterday's release of a new Immigration Policy that proactively assists skilled migrants to enter New Zealand is highly welcome says Chamber of Commerce Southland CEO Richard Hay.

He added: "The points system has been in place for four years now in New Zealand and the new policy - that includes extra points for work experience and additional points for spouse/partner qualifications – involves many pragmatic additions."

"Southland has enjoyed excellent economic growth in recent years but sustaining that brings its own employment challenges. The Regional prospects towards an exciting and growing economic future for our region have the strong possibility of flatting out unless we have an increase to our skilled work force."

"Economic growth brings with it a hunger for expanded and diversified skills and in a time when not just the rest of the New Zealand but most of the developed world are crying out for more skilled labour, we need to be innovative and proactive in seeking out talent," said Mr. Hay

Noting that the Minister's policy released yesterday was a first among a number of initiatives aimed at overcoming skill shortages and attracting more business migrant investors, he said for the policy to be successful it will need strong back up with a communication programme and attitude change.

"The success of this policy will be about the story we tell of the opportunities we have in this Region and the benefits of remaining here."

"If we are to continue to economically grow collectively and individually as we would like to in Southland we simply have to be more creative and open in our recruitment policies."

"The moves made by the new policy changes will be of assistance to us and are a start to moves in the right direction" he concluded