Youth Minister grilled by students

Thursday 7 August 2008, 5:22PM

By Hon Nanaia Mahuta



Youth Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta was today ‘grilled’ by students from Hastings Girls High School in a special video conference link-up between the Beehive and the Hawke’s Bay school.

“This is a great opportunity to get a feel of what young people are all about and what inspires them,” Nanaia Mahuta said.

“It’s also good to know that these young women have aspirations for their own future, and there is no doubt in mind that politics could well feature in the futures of some of these young people.”

The year 9 social studies students were predominantly Maori and Pacific Islanders, and had an interest in politics.

Nanaia Mahuta was quizzed on a variety of topics, from her early school days, to family to her work as a government Minister.

“It’s interesting to be on the receiving end of questions from our young people because you’re hearing different viewpoints on topics of interest to them,” Nanaia Mahuta said.

She is encouraged by the passion of the students and said it was important young people get the support they need now.

“Today’s young people are tomorrow’s leaders, and supporting them now is critical because youth today play a crucial role in changing how Kiwis think and feel about the environment, and how they will look after it in future,” Nanaia Mahuta said.