D-Scene To Join Fairfax Medias Stable Of Community Newspapers

Monday 8 September 2008, 7:07PM

By Fairfax Media



Fairfax Media is in the final stages of acquiring D-Scene, an innovative community newspaper in Dunedin. The acquisition is expected to be complete by next week and will take Fairfax Media’s stable of South Island community newspapers to a total footprint in excess of 415,000 circulation.

Dunedin is the country’s fifth largest metropolitan market, and through the acquisition of D-Scene Fairfax Media is well placed to increase the level and diversity of news coverage and offer advertisers more options within this key region.

Rodger Shepherd, Group Head of Publishing says “D-Scene has benefited from substantial marketing and development investment however the paper is somewhat struggling under its current ownership and operating model, therefore Fairfax Media is pleased to cement D-Scene’s future viability by providing Fairfax resources and support.”

D-Scene will operate under The Southland Times community newspaper group and will report through to General Manager, Gareth Codd. Gareth comments “We are looking forward to working alongside some very talented people and strengthening the paper further with our wider group resources and wealth of experience in publishing quality community newspapers.”