TSB Stadium Turns it On for Davis Cup

Monday 22 September 2008, 7:01AM

By New Plymouth District Council



The hosting of the Davis Cup in New Plymouth has got off to a great start, with TSB Stadium proving a superb venue for international tennis.

“It’s turned out to be a great venue for the players and the audience, with a top-class tennis surface and not a single bad seat in the house for the public,” says Manager Recreation and Events Paul Nisbet.

“People have loved being able to see these international sportsmen up close and personal. The tennis itself has been fast and furious and the crowd was right behind the Kiwis – even though the tie didn’t end up going our way.

“This Davis Cup has given Sport Taranaki and Tennis New Zealand a really strong base to go on from. Just like our other major sports and cultural festivals, I can see the events around the Davis Cup and the public participation growing year on year.”

Tennis New Zealand CEO Steve Walker says he’d like to see the Davis Cup by BNP Paribas developed in New Plymouth so that tourists view it as part of a holiday package.

“This is a delightful place for a sporting event to take place,” he says. “People can come for the tennis and then spend time on the Coastal Walkway and go to the mountain and then enjoy the great restaurants in the city.”

He also paid tribute to the Taranaki community for hosting the event. “We have been so impressed by the support of the entire Taranaki community for the Davis Cup.

“The set-up of the venue, the enthusiasm of all the people involved, and the efforts of everyone have produced exactly what we want in a Davis Cup tie – and I’m sure we will build on that from here.

“This time has been fantastic: We’d like the next one to be even better,” says Mr Walker.