Smoke -Free Policy Official

Wednesday 1 October 2008, 6:32PM

By Tararua District Council



It’s official, all council owned workplaces in Tararua are now smoke-free.

Councillors have adopted a new policy designating a series of smoke-free environments including council owned vehicles.

The policy will apply to all public libraries and service centres along with swimming pools, public spaces, sports grounds and playgrounds that are council owned.

The smoke-free environment policy follows on from a 2003 Amendment Act and a gradual process that has seen schools, licensed premises, factories and warehouses all become smoke-free.

Public assistance to quit smoking from District Health Boards including MidCentral Health has backed up these government initiatives.

Expect now to see some funky signs appearing in council-owned facilities.

Manager community development Troy Gerbich (pictured) said the message was not to shame smokers but to invite consideration of non-smokers.

“In other words please smoke well away from other people.”