77 Coffins Make Case for ACTs End of Parole Policy

Monday 20 October 2008, 7:01AM

By Rodney Hide



ACT Leader Rodney Hide used 77 Coffins placed outside Mount Eden prison to make his case for an end to parole.

Each coffin represented an innocent murdered by men out on parole.

“Only ACT’s policy would save these lives, said Mr Hide, who proposes

Zero Tolerance for Crime;
Truth in Sentencing (No Parole); And
Three Strikes and Your Out.

It is tough. All other political parties say it is too tough.

I have a simple response: 77 lives.

That’s how many innocents would still be alive if we had ACT’s
Three-Strikes-and-you’re-out policy in force.

The killers had already served at least three prison terms for violent offending when they committed these murders.

And they were out walking the streets.

Free to kill again.

And they did!

That’s three bus loads of innocent people.

It is these innocent people that I and my team represent.

It is the innocent who need protection from the killers.

That is what ACT’s policy delivers.

That’s why we need your party vote to get the ACT team including David
Garret into Parliament.