Boaties and Jetskiers Watch your Speed

Friday 16 January 2009, 10:50AM

By Hawke's Bay Regional Council



Hawke’s Bay Harbourmaster Charlie Rycroft is urging operators of powered craft to watch their speed. Recreational boaties may be warned once, but fined for further infringements as a harder line is taken by authorities.

This comes after feedback from regional boating advisors that some craft are travelling too fast, are at speed close to the shore and endangering people and other craft.

“Mahia has been a particular concern,” comments Charlie, “but we also want to reinforce the message to wear and carry lifejackets.”

By law, boaties must carry sufficient life jackets on board and wear them as directed by the skipper. The general advisement from the Harbourmaster is to wear one at all times, as you would a seatbelt.

“Speed is a key factor,” says Charlie, “and we want to reduce the possibility of any collision involving powered craft and people or other boats in busy areas.”

Operators of water craft must reduce their speed to 5 knots (9 km/h) within 200 metres of shore or of a dive flag and also slow to 5 knots within 50 metres of any other person or craft in the water.

The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, NZ Police, Maritime New Zealand and other lead agencies are taking a hard line. Repeat offenders will be fined up to $200 or prosecuted.