Minister of Mori Affairs calls economic workshop

Saturday 24 January 2009, 11:03AM

By Pita Sharples



The Minister of Mori Affairs, Dr Pita Sharples, has called for a Mori economic workshop to be held on Wednesday 28 January in Wellington.

The workshop is to provide the Minister with up-to-date and accurate information regarding the effect of the recession on Mori communities.

“This hui will provide me with an opportunity to discuss possible interventions that will stimulate employment opportunities and economic growth within Mori communities. Our plan is that these ideas will feed into the Prime Minister's Economic Summit the following month”.


“The workshop will involve around 50 key Mori economic stakeholders, people with knowledge and experience in operating small to medium enterprises, managing tribal assets, participants within the primary production sector and the delivery of social services to our Mori communities. I hope to draw on the collective knowledge of this group and gather as much information as possible about the real effect of the recession on our people”.


“This workshop cannot afford to be just a talkfest. We need to be able to show the rest of Aotearoa that Mori are willing and able to carry our share of the load to get our country back to better economic times” said Dr Sharples.