Police pot growing extraordinary conflict of interest

Monday 25 May 2009, 11:52PM




 Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party Mt Albert candidate Dakta Green today
called the news that Police have been growing their own crops of cannabis
in order to test its potency an extraordinary conflict of interest, saying
it was the job of the Police to enforce the laws, not go hunting for
excuses to keep enforcing them. That is the work of researchers, scientists
and politicians. Whilst scientists have been declined the opportunity to
research cannabis based medicines, Police have been growing cannabis to
further their crime busting duties.

"The DSIR can easily test the strengths of seized drugs, but I want to know
what business is it of Police to know what the THC levels of different
strains of cannabis are? How does that information assist them in their job
of arresting pot smoking New Zealanders?" asked Dakta Green. "This is yet
another absurd example of taxpayer's dollars being thrown on the Drug War
fire and wasted. It is quite bizarre."

New Zealand has the highest arrest rate in the world for cannabis. Over
130,000 New Zealanders carry criminal records for cannabis offences. Almost
90 percent of these arrests are for cannabis possession alone.

"The only people who should be interested in THC levels are those working
with medical marijuana patients," Dakta Green stated.

Cannabis and cannabis extracts are being legally prescribed in Holland,
Canada, and many states in the US to treat a variety of conditions
including MS, glaucoma, AIDS wasting syndrome, and nausea and other side
effects caused by chemotherapy.

"Cannabis is such a broad-spectrum medicine that different strains, each
with their own unique blend of active compounds and strengths are used to
treat specific conditions. This, combined with the fact that it's an easily
grown organic medicine, makes it perfect as both a primary and
complimentary health treatment," Dakta Green said.

"There has been so much research done on cannabis over the past forty
years: that it's a safe and effective medicine is now an established fact.
How is can best be employed in the affordable treatment of a myriad of
illnesses and conditions is a whole field of research waiting to be
explored further… but not by police officers whose time is better spent
catching criminals rather than somehow trying to justify going after pot
smokers like myself," concluded Dakta Green.

Dakta Green will appear in Auckland District Court this Tuesday, facing a
charge of publicly smoking cannabis.