Vigil For Maori Seats On Super City At Top Of Maungawhau/Mt Eden

Wednesday 8 July 2009, 7:57AM

By Carlin Valenti



A group of Aucklanders in support of Maori seats on Auckland’s Super City Council are gathering each morning this week from 7am til 8amam at the top of Maungawhau/Mt Eden.

The vigil is a way of showing solidarity with Ngati Whatua and other Auckland groups pushing for Maori seats on the proposed Super City.

Ngati Whatua o Orakei spokesperson Ngarimu Blair says his hapu understands the actions and supports those who are protesting in this way.

He says he understands the action will last for this week and then further actions on Mt Eden may be planned.

Blair says it is appropriate for this protest to be on Maungawhau/Mt Eden as it was the place where Ngati Whatua ancestor Apihai Te Kawau stood when he offered Governor Hobson the best land in Tamaki on which to set up his new capital of Auckland.

“Maungawhau/Mt Eden is the most visited site in Auckland and it is iconic. It is recognised as having value of national significance but it is treated very badly. One would hope that if a Super City came into being, the so called ‘efficiencies’ that Rodney Hide talks about would include greater protection for Mt Eden and all maunga in Auckland.”

Mt Eden may well become the focus of protest activity for Maori seats.

People are arriving with candles, torches and warm clothing.