Invercargill women lose 60 kilos through the Power of food

Tuesday 29 September 2009, 4:04PM

By Slim You International


Before - Debbie Cook and Gillian Robbie
Before - Debbie Cook and Gillian Robbie Credit: Slim You International
After - Debbie Cook and Gillian Robbie
After - Debbie Cook and Gillian Robbie Credit: Slim You International


While our national obesity levels rise, and NZ recently listed as the 3rd most overweight country in the world, Invercargill women Debbie Cook and Gillian Robbie are bucking the trend, losing a staggering combined total of 64 kilos between them. No gimmick, no tricks - but simply through learning about the Power of Food.
After struggling all their lives with their weight the two friends joined up to the 112 Day Challenge, a 16 week programme run by Dr Damian Kristof from TV3’s Downsize and Phyllis Briggs, to support each other getting healthy. While they joined the Challenge to lose weight they now see the other benefits of eating healthy. By gaining health, the excess weight comes off naturally. 

This is not a diet, say the women, but a new way of doing life eating every day foods that are fresh and readily available. Both now say that they are equipped with knowledge and skills that enable them to live a healthy lifestyle.

``We both attended the Power of Food seminar run by Damian Kristof and Phyllis Briggs and could relate to so much of it. We were surprised to learn that what food we ate played a huge part in the way the felt and specially being tired and lacking energy.’’

And the other benefits beside losing weight? Well for Gillian and Debbie they are numerous: No more migraines, not being continually tired, no swollen ankles from fluid retention, more confidence and being able to do up the seat belt in the plane with heaps to spare.

While the achievements are theirs alone, both women credit the support of Dr Damian Kristof, Phyllis Briggs and their families for helping them to achieve their goals. ``Phyllis and Damian have given us the tools and knowledge that has changed our lives, and helped us to achieve what we thought we could never do. This is the first time that we have been on an eating program that we know we can follow for life.’’

And what is next for these two women?? Well after losing a staggering amount of weight, radically changing their outlook on life and even competing in a Duathlon, I’d say the world is their oyster.

Dr Damian Kristof, practising Chiropractor and naturopath from TV3's downsize me, and Phyllis Briggs, mindset mentor who herself has lost 30 kilos, are touring the country in October with their simple message – One Body, One Life. With so many conflicting ideas, opinions and programmes available, they are passionate advocates for presenting the facts about the Power of Food, to both harm and heal.
The Power of Food is visiting Dunedin, Invercargill, Greymouth, Auckland, Hamilton, Napier, Nelson and Christchurch. Tickets are available through ticketek, online at or by phoning 0800 7546 968.
Enter the draw to win of 10 free tickets to giveaway in each area by emailing with your contact details.