Milford Sound Flights consolidated

Friday 2 October 2009, 11:33AM

By Southern PR



Real Journeys Limited and Totally Tourism Limited have today consolidated their Queenstown based aircraft flight operations / engineering businesses into a 50/50 Joint Venture (Milford Sound Flights). The brands: Air Fiordland, Milford Sound Scenic Flights, Real Journeys – Milford Sound Flightseeing will continue to offer their respective products to the market, unchanged.


The consolidation of the flight operations is in response to the Department of Conservation’s possible policy to limit the number of landings at Milford Sound, as well as in response to current economic conditions. Dave Hawkey, CEO – Real Journeys, comments “it makes sense both from an environmental and economic perspective to utilise the flightseeing assets in this way. Half the time the planes sit on the ground due to weather conditions at Milford Sound.” Mark Quickfall, owner of Totally Tourism comments, “Putting the Flightseeing businesses together is a good move, while the flightseeing brands continue to compete in the marketplace. Both organisations have similar attitudes towards excellence in customer service and a strong safety culture, so it’s a sensible arrangement.”


The Joint Venture Company began operating today, 01 October 2009 and is based at the Milford Sound Flights premises in Lucas Place, Queenstown Airport.