MP calls for disciplinary action over councillors racist rant

Friday 30 October 2009, 4:47PM

By Te Ururoa Flavell



Maori Party MP for Waiariki Te Ururoa Flavell has called on Whakatane Mayor Colin Holmes and his District Council colleagues to take disciplinary action over the racist rantings of Councillor Russell Orr.


“I am disgusted by the diatribe on Colin Orr’s website. The man holds elected office, with power and responsibility to act in the interests of the community. His attack on the neighbouring people of Kawerau is a gross dereliction of the duties of office, and if the Mayor and Whakatane District Council don’t take urgent action, they call into question their own competence,” said Mr Flavell.


“People rely on their elected leaders to address issues and solve problems. Cr Orr is in breach of his social and political contract with the people of Whakatane, by stereotyping and insulting the people of Kawerau.


“I call on Cr Orr to resign. His antics are more appropriate for a radio shock jock desperate for ratings than an elected member of local government. At least Whakatane has a mayor with integrity, and I suggest Mayor Holmes consider whether Cr Orr’s abusive outburst has brought the Council so badly into disrepute that his resignation is warranted,” said Mr Flavell.


“I also hope the voters of the Edgecumbe Tarawera Ward write to Cr Orr and tell him what they think, and remember this behaviour come the next District Council election,” said Mr Flavell.