More certainty for communities needed

Thursday 17 December 2009, 8:36AM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau Mayor Len Brown says the new Auckland Council could be bogged down in negotiation and conflict with local boards due to the government's failure to define the role and functions of the boards.

“People across Auckland have been waiting for the introduction of the third bill to define how the new local community boards will function.

“The last thing we need is for the new Auckland Council to be bogged down in constant negotiation and conflict with local communities about what they require in their area. The Council should be totally focused on the issues facing the region and leave the local boards to serve and develop their communities.

“The shame of it is that there appeared to be quite strong alignment around the region as to what the appropriate roles and functions of the local boards should be.

“Unfortunately the government has left these up in the air to be negotiated with the Auckland Council once it is established.

“This is not good enough. The community has demanded certainty as we progress to the supercity. I believe the delegations of the local boards should be clearly set out in legislation.

“We need to keep the local in local democracy. My council will be making a submission on the bill that will, among other issues, focus on the delegations of the local boards and how we believe they should relate to the new council.