Manukau Mayor welcomes world cup training venue announcement

Friday 18 December 2009, 11:45AM

By Manukau City Council



Lloyd Elsmore Park’s selection as a training venue for the Rugby World Cup means the big event atmosphere will be experienced at a community level, says Manukau Mayor Len Brown.

Rugby New Zealand 2011 Ltd confirmed today that Pakuranga United Rugby Club will host Scotland for five nights as part of an announcement that 23 centres across New Zealand will host teams for the event next year. Scotland will be preparing for their game against England at Eden Park on Saturday 1 October.

Mr Brown says with a number of significant games in Auckland and a large number of teams being hosted across the region there’s a lot to look forward to.

“Manukau residents are going to have a great opportunity to get involved in the world cup atmosphere, even if they don’t make it to a game.

“Having a training venue in our backyard means that people will be able to see top quality players up close and get their autographs. Howick and Pakuranga have strong Scottish links so I’m sure people will be supporting Scotland, after the All Blacks of course.

“As well as the training venue, an extensive community engagement programme is being planned. There will also be live sites for people to watch games on a big screen in Lloyd Elsmore Park and Manukau city centre.

“The Auckland region will be the hub of the world cup, so there’s going to be a great buzz in the lead-up and during the event which Manukau people will get caught up in. We’re the gateway to Auckland and New Zealand so we’ll be the welcoming party for world cup visitors,” he says.

Mr Brown says the upgrades to the park being funded by the council means there will be benefits for the community and grassroots rugby in the area beyond the world cup.

The council will provide $200,000 to upgrade the playing surface of Bell Park, the rugby club ground within Lloyd Elsmore Park, and make other improvements needed for the park to be a training venue.

Manukau City Council is a key partner in the Auckland region’s preparations for Rugby World Cup 2011. The collaborative effort by key organisations across the entire region includes representatives from all Auckland councils, Tourism Auckland, Auckland Regional Transport Authority, Transit New Zealand, Auckland International Airport, On Track NZ, Eden Park, Auckland’s three rugby unions, and all match and training venues.