Nelson Tasman on track for accreditation as WHO Safe communities

Thursday 25 February 2010, 8:07PM

By New Zealand Police



Nelson City and Tasman District are on track for accreditation as World Health Organisation (WHO) Safe Communities.

A working group has spent the past six months bringing groups and individuals together, carrying out a stock take of the current and planned community safety initiatives and preparing a major environmental scan for a community profile as part of application process.

"This is a big job and it is apparent there is a lot of good work going on." said Inspector Brian McGurk speaking on behalf of the Nelson Tasman WHO Safe Communities Working Group. "Even at this early stage we have made significant gains. We have found gaps, some duplication of effort and we have groups and people who were working in isolation who are now talking to one another and working collaboratively" said Inspector McGurk.

The Mayors of both Nelson City and Tasman District have formally notified the Safe Communities Foundation that both councils will be making formal application for accreditation as a WHO Safe Community in November 2010.

While the achievement of accreditation is a major milestone, it is not the goal. The goal is having the community confronting the big issues and working collaboratively and co-operatively to reduce injuries and harm in Nelson City and Tasman District.

The media are invited to meet the working group and the launch of the Nelson-Tasman WHO Safe Communities logo at the ACC Community Room at 10-00 a.m. on Friday 26th February 2010.

Dr Carolyn Coggan, the Director of Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand (SCFNZ)
and Tania Peters, the National Programme Manager for Safe Communities Foundation New Zealand (SCFNZ) will be attending the meeting and the logo launch. Members of the governance group drawn from local heads of local and central government organisations will also attend.