Athletic legend returns to school for launch

Thursday 25 March 2010, 12:55PM

By Manukau City Council



One of Manukau's favourite sons, Sir John Walker, will make a rare visit back to his old school next Tuesday (30 March) for the launch of the new John Walker Find Your Field Of Dreams programme, Secondary Sport.

Joining the former Olympic 1500m gold medallist will be current Manukau sporting hero, Warriors winger Manu Vatuvei, when elements of the new programme are rolled out during the lunch break for the first time at Manurewa High School on Tuesday.

Secondary Sport will initially cover a cluster of seven colleges in Manukau, and aims to provide the schools with coaches and resources to get young people involved in sport.

Sir John, who is the Find Your Field of Dreams chair, says many young people want to get into sport, but cannot because the resources are not available.

“Secondary Sport is an exciting new initiative that’s focusing on high school students. It will help our young people discover their hidden talents through sports, to open up opportunities by providing the resources, the coaches and funding needed to help teenagers get involved.

“Through sport, they can get off the couch and off the streets and get into something where they can find success, gain confidence and lay the foundations for their future.”

Manukau has produced many sporting stars, Sir John says.

“We know that for every known talent, there are many more to be discovered. People such as Manu Vatuvie, and many other Manukau winning sportspeople, provide that connection to inspire and motivate. Secondary Sport will bring about the means to realise the hidden potential in Counties Manukau.

“One of the keys to getting this under way is for the resources to be available. Without skilled coaches prepared to mentor and nurture this talent, these young people won’t be able to take up their sports, let alone continue into playing for clubs or more. Secondary Sport will help facilitate recruitment and up-skilling of coaches and managers, which is vital if we’re to have more students taking part in sport.”

Secondary Sport is a joint project between the John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams, ASB College Sport, Counties Manukau Sport and SPARC and is integrated with the successful Primary Sport programme already under way.

Its key aims are to:

o Increase the number of students taking part in sport
o Improve the quantity and capability of teacher coaches and external coaches in the school sporting programme
o Improve the retention and transition of students to clubs once they have finished their schooling
o Strengthen the links between school and club sports.