Minister To Host TFESC Employer of The Year Awards

Monday 12 April 2010, 1:43PM

By Heather Roy



Associate Minister of Defence Heather Roy will tomorrow host the National Territorial Force Employer Support Council (TFESC) 'Employer of the Year' Awards, to recognise and honour those public and private sector organisations that encourage and support their employees in their voluntary service to New Zealand.

"The Reserves play an integral role in ensuring that the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has the capability to fulfil New Zealand's obligations at home and abroad," Mrs Roy said.

"What is often overlooked, however, is that Territorial soldiers' employers are also a vital part of the formula of success for the New Zealand Defence Force.

"Every employer who supports New Zealand society in any way is a leader and worthy of our acknowledgement. The TFESC Employer of the Year Awards are designed to do just that: pay tribute to those employers without whom our Reserves would not be as strong and capable as they are today," Mrs Roy said.

Territorial Force Employer Support Council 'Employer of the Year' Awards; the Grand Hall, Parliament; 5:30pm, Tuesday, April 13 2010. For more information, contact Lieutenant Jeremy Seed: 021 0233 2663.