Awards Entries Go Electronic

Friday 30 April 2010, 12:13PM

By Kapiti Horowhenua Business Awards



For the first time in 14 years businesses in Kapiti and Horowhenua will be able to compile their entry in the Electra Business Awards on-line this year.

With the high use of the Internet by business firms across the Nature Coast region, awards organiser, Business Kapiti Horowhenua, believes an electronic entry system is now appropriate.

The electronic entry system is being especially developed for BKH by Solutions and Wendy Schollum, Managing Director says it will enable businesses to upload the information in one or more sessions and to add attachments such as a business plan document.

“We hope that the immediacy and convenience of the new online application process will encourage more business owners to enter the awards and to receive the recognition they deserve for their efforts regionally, nationally and internationally,” she said.

To enter, businesses will register via the website and in return they will be sent a link to access the electronic entry system.

BKH has arranged for potential participants to receive free assistance in preparing their entries from Jeff Smith of Boost Business Coaching based in Paraparaumu.

The Sponsorship and Event Manager for the awards, Kirsten Kilmister, announced today that the overall Business of the Year will receive a package of a return trip for two to any New Zealand destination from Air New Zealand, $500 worth of legal services from Cullinane Steele, wine from Ohau Gravels Vineyard and a half page business profile in the Kapiti Observer newspaper.

More information:
Wendy Schollum, Solutions .. 06 834 2480 or 021 519150,
Jeff Smith, Boost Business .. 04-2982667 or 021 – 566535,
Chair BKH, Tony Rush .. 06 367-0332, or 027 241 6262,
Sponsorship & Event Manager, Kirsten Kilmister .. 027 284-8291,