Liquor Licensing Accord signed

Monday 3 May 2010, 2:55PM

By Invercargill City Council



Invercargill City’s new liquor accord comes into force today.

Invercargill City Council’s Chairman of Environmental and Planning
Services Cr Darren Ludlow congratulated liquor licence holders in Invercargill and Bluff for their willingness to close at 3am to address alcohol related problems in the community.

Cr Ludlow said the agreement was a positive example of community cooperation and involved not only liquor licence holders but the New Zealand Police, Medical Officer of Health and the District Licensing Agency.

“This is a practical response to the submissions made by concerned members of the community to the Invercargill District Licensing Agency’s Liquor Policy.

“The strength of the accord is dependent on the continued goodwill of all parties involved. We look forward to continuing into the future the positive and cooperative relationship that has been brokered through this accord.”