Local Talk Radio returns to Newstalk ZB in Christchurch

Saturday 15 May 2010, 8:40AM

By The Radio Network



The Radio Network has today announced that local morning talk radio is returning to 1098 AM Newstalk ZB in Christchurch.

The programme was changed late last year with a network talk show replacing the local programme at the beginning of 2010.

“We are sorry. We got it wrong Canterbury and we are now doing something about it. You talked – we listened,” says The Radio Network’s Christchurch General Manager Andrew Britt.

Respected broadcaster Mike Yardley will return to hosting a Christchurch talk show from 8.30am to 12noon from 21 June 2010. Recruitment will begin shortly for the show’s producer. The Christchurch newsroom will continue to work closely with all of the on-air team and produce the news and sports stories that matter to Cantabrians.

“We have reviewed all of the feedback from listeners and clients, taken into account recent survey results and looked at the commercial realities of making radio. There is a business case for now bringing back a morning talk show – and we all love talk radio and clearly so do Cantabrians, perhaps more so than we realised. And sometimes when you lose something, you realise how important it was to you and that’s certainly been part of the feedback from both listeners and clients, says Andrew Britt.

“The talk show will include some of the old favourites but with some new innovations. Mike has had four years away from the microphone, travelled the world, continued with some media work in print and television and taken some time out. He’s ready to come back.”

Mike Yardley is enjoying his latest overseas adventure but says the time feels right to return to the first love of his life – local radio.

“Four years away has allowed me to get a better life balance and I’m a more rounded person with more life experiences to bring to this talk show.”

“It is a remarkably honest act of mea culpa for 1098 AM Newstalk ZB to concede they got it wrong. Re-instating a local voice, a local outlet for passionate public debate and incisive affairs is crucial in the lead-up to the October local body elections. Especially now there is a race on for the Mayoralty.”
Mike Yardley believes that talk radio’s greatest life-blood is its audience, and the power of the programme is dependent on an interactive and assertive audience.
“I’m relishing the opportunity to re-ignite the local torch for free-spirited and robust public debate in Canterbury. It’s my desire to make sure that the body and soul of Canterbury life is reflected, debated and showcased on this show.”

In addition to a daily dose of free-flowing talkback, the programme will feature headline interviews with the newsmakers and opinion-makers that matter to the people of Canterbury. There’ll be plenty of entertainment and lifestyle content added into the morning mix. And there’ll be a healthy serving of national and international affairs into its staple diet of local ingredients.

And for probably the last time now that Yardley is on his way back, the final word goes to Andrew Britt.
“Thanks to our clients and listeners for being straight with us. All we ask is that on 21 June 2010 at 8.30am, you are tuned into 1098 AM Newstalk ZB for Mike’s first show in the new era of talk radio in Canterbury.”