Will Ryan Of Nelson's Clear Skies Action Group Met With Environment Minister & Discussed Chemtrails

Tuesday 15 June 2010, 9:20PM

By Clare Swinney


A sign the Clear Skies Action Group added informative signage to last week
A sign the Clear Skies Action Group added informative signage to last week Credit: Will Ryan


Will Ryan of Nelson’s Clear Skies Action Group had a meeting with Environment Minister, Hon Nick Smith on the 12th of June, 2010 to discuss the aerosols, also known as chemtrails, which are being sprayed over their region.

Offers Mr Ryan: “I went to see Dr Nick Smith, Minister of the Environment in Nelson on Saturday, and passed on a lot of photos of the Nelson sky recently, a copy of the Whangarei Why Is Aluminium in the Rainwater? DVD, [1] plus a lot of other supporting information on the chemtrails issue. It was about a half-hour meeting. It went very well. He was open to getting more info and said he would watch the DVD. I also gave him Aerosol Crimes to watch, so I am hoping he will make it an issue in Parliament soon.”

Mr Ryan also mentioned that a lot of people have signed the petition forms around Nelson since the newspaper article in The Nelson Mail about chemtrails was published and that he was advised today that chemtrails would be mentioned in Parliament soon.

