Press release for missing hunter in the South Otago Blue Mountain Ranges

Friday 23 July 2010, 7:33AM

By New Zealand Police



At about 1230pm on the 22nd of July South Otago Police were notified by a hunter in the Blue Mountains that his companion had failed to return from a hunting excursion.

Both men had been hunting in the Dunn Creek Area of the Blue Mountains on the morning of the 21st of July when they parted company at about 9am to hunt different areas of the block.

After failing to meet at the prescribed time of around lunch time that day the companion gave a couple of hours grace before he attempted to contact his companion through the firing of shots looking for response.

After dark the companion attempted another contact to no response.

The following morning the companion attempted to locate his partner to no avail when at around lunch time he contacted police.

The South Otago Land SAR group were activated and responded with teams being put into the Dunn Creek area around 3pm. The use of a Dunedin based helicopter with spotters was unsuccessful in the run up to dusk. A specialist search team with scent dog was brought in from Queenstown and operated alongside foot based search groups who were conducting an extensive ground search in the general area of the hunting trip.

Around 1am a search team heard a lone voice calling out in an area well away from the initial focus area and responded successfully finding the missing party.

The missing parties condition on location was described as in good spirits with major disorientation due to unfamiliarity of the area and the physical exertion over the previous 37 hours with little food or sufficient clothing for the extended overnight stay.

Both men had hunting experience of varying descriptions with this being the first hunt in the Blue Mountains for the missing party.

Police wish to thank all those volunteers involved with the search which was resolved with another positive outcome due to the experience and training of a highly dedicated group.

Once again the reminder is put out there for hunters to ensure they have sufficient clothing, food and resources with them whilst out hunting even if it is only for a short hunt.

The 29 year old male and his companion have requested to remain anonymous. No deer were hurt in the making of this saga!