Navigation safety bylaw submissions close August 13

Thursday 12 August 2010, 7:59AM

By Environment Canterbury



Submissions on the proposed changes to Canterbury region’s Navigation Safety bylaws close this Friday, August 13.

So far 60 submissions have been received. These show widespread support for the compulsory wearing of lifejackets (no submissions opposed). 

Submissions on the Lake Ruataniwha bylaws have been in support of proposed changes with only one amendment sought - South Island Rowing wants to have another rowing regatta in early December with the lake closed to powered craft. 

Under the current bylaws regattas/ lake closures for powered craft cannot occur between December 1 and January 10. Hence the South Island Rowing proposal is for the excluded period to be shorter from December 10 - January 10. 

The proposal to remove the 5 knot limit on part of the Lower Waimakariri has attracted around 30 submissions - more opposed than in support. 

For more information on all the bylaw changes proposed, or to make a submission on line:

Background media release: