Think Drink campaign to launch in Taupo

Monday 30 August 2010, 3:47PM

By New Zealand Police



The Taupo Off Licence Liquor Accord (TOLLA) is to begin the 'Think Drink' campaign that has been used in other centres in New Zealand.

This promotion is aimed at creating awareness about the dangerous consequences of supplying alcohol to young people.

The Think Drink campaign was developed last year in Counties Manukau between Police and Council, and has since been adopted in many centres around the country.

The campaign involves playing a DVD at the point of sale in off-licenses. The DVD shows brief stories or enactments about the potential dangers of supplying alcohol to young people, who then go on to drink unsupervised.

The supply of alcohol to underage people is a common problem around the country. The alcohol is often bought by a sibling, friend, or relative who is old enough, and then passed on to younger people.

This campaign shows that there are potentially horrendous consequences when alcohol is on-supplied.

TOLLA have purchased two TV/DVD screens which will be placed in participating off-licenses, and rotated through retailers within Taupo. These screens were purchased with the assistance of ALAC and the Taupo Safer Community Trust.

It is an offence against The Sale of Liquor Act to purchase alcohol and then supply it to a person under 18 years old, unless it is supplied by a parent or legal guardian. Any person convicted of this offence is liable to a $2000 fine.

Regardless of the requirements of statute, every person who purchases alcohol has a social responsibility to ensure that the alcohol is not passed on to an under-aged person who may put themselves or others at risk by consuming it irresponsibly.