Solid waste decision to be made in September

Wednesday 1 September 2010, 7:48AM

By Invercargill City Council



The Invercargill City Council today revoked decisions it made in June and August with regard to solid waste and recycling collections in the Invercargill City District, Mayor Tim Shadbolt announced this evening.

Mr Shadbolt said “we want a robust decision that is the best and most cost effective decision for the ratepayers.

“Through our Council Engineers, we have received additional information that will aid Council in achieving this objective.

“A final decision will not be made by Council until its meeting on 14 September,” he said.

Mr Shadbolt said “the Council is one hundred percent supportive of Southland Enterprises which forms an integral part of our recycling system and they will be awarded an eight year contract, which will enable them to purchase a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) and operate from new premises,” he said.