Finland triumphs as big air brings 2010 FIS Junior World Championships to a close

Wednesday 1 September 2010, 7:49AM

By EveNZ


Petja Piiroinen (FIN)
Petja Piiroinen (FIN) Credit: Bel Jones
Enni Rukajarvi (FIN)
Enni Rukajarvi (FIN) Credit: Bel Jones


Enni Rukajarvi and Petja Piiroinen (19), both of Finland took out the women’s and men’s Junior World Champion titles in today’s snowboard big air at Cardrona at the final day of the 2010 FIS Snowboard & Freestyle Junior World Championships.

The girls really showed their metal with many choosing the massive 20m jump over the smaller 17m option. Rukajarvi got the top score of 26.0 with a massive backside 540 with indy grab off the big kicker. Urska Pribosic (SLO) took silver and Klaudia Medlova bronze.

“It was very exciting to ride such a good jump, even though the weather didn’t allow us much practise time,” said Rukajarvi. “I’m so happy to have won!”
Men’s winner Piiroinen took out the title for the second year with a backside 1080 toppo cork and a score of 27.3. He was a clear 1.5 points ahead of Belgian Seppe Smits and Ville Paumola, also of Finland took bronze.

“It’s so nice to win for a second time,” said Piiroinen. “The other guys were all riding really strongly so it’s great to be world champion.”

Juliane Bray, Championships Patron and New Zealand Olympic snowboarder said the level of riding was outstanding.

“All the riders really wanted to hit the jump because it was a fantastic jump with great set up,” she said. “In between the clouds the riders who wanted it the most put on an amazing show with at least five of the riders doing double cork tricks (1080 spin with a double somersault), the most progressive trick currently in snowboarding. The women’s big air was a massive challenge as they were so young and the jump was so big – I’ve got big respect for all them.”

At the end of the closing ceremony, Russia was announced as the recipients of the Marc Hodler trophy for the most successful snowboard nation at the championships.

For further information and full results, visit