Indecent Assault On Female In Devonport

Thursday 9 September 2010, 5:24PM

By New Zealand Police



North Shore Police are investigating an incident in which a 25 year old female was indecently assaulted while walking at North Head yesterday. North Head is a popular tourist location.

Police say the incident happened at between 4.00-5.00pm Wednesday 8 September 2010 when the woman was confronted by a group of four males all aged in their early twenties.

One of the males indecently assaulted the victim. He took her I-Pod music device after she rejected his sexual advances. A black station wagon was parked in the lower levels of North Head. Loud rap type music was emanating from this vehicle.

The four males were all associated with this station wagon. Police have issued a description of each of the four males who were at North Head.

1. One of the men was called and referred to by the others as “Robbie”. He was European. He had a thin black moustache and there were freckles on his face. This man is described as slim build, with brown eyes. He had short cut hair worn under a flat cap.

2. Another male was of thin build. He had dark skin, yellow lips from smoking, with tattoos on his arms. These are possibly tribal.

3. The third man was of much bigger overweight build. He was dark skinned. He had tattoos around his neck starting with “cool”. He wore a black beanie and ¾ pants. This man was the driver of the vehicle and he appeared to be the brother of the above described male Number two#

4. The fourth man was fair skinned. He was quiet and wore ¾ pants and a flat cap with silver sticker under the peak. This male did not have any tattoos.

Police say these are good descriptions and the victim has done extremely well to provide police with such details given the ordeal she has experienced. The victim is shaken but unhurt. She is receiving counseling and is supported by her family.

There will be residents nearby who will have seen this black station wagon and heard the loud music while it was in the vicinity of North Head. Someone will know who these men are.

Police urge anyone who has any sightings of this vehicle cruising in the Devonport CBD or near North Head yesterday afternoon to call them immediately. Someone may have noted the vehicle registration number.

Anyone with information should call North Shore Police on 09 477 5000.

Crime Stoppers is an alternative anonymous option on 0800 555 111.