Artwork, auctions and fine food combine to raise funds for eye charity

Monday 13 September 2010, 3:02PM

By Bayleys



Film buffs and wine-lovers are invited to attend a charity auction and dinner aimed at raising proceeds for a Wellington-based organisation which funds research into finding cures for eye diseases. 

The Capital Vision Research Trust annual fundraising night is being assisted by leading real estate agency Bayleys, and takes place in Wellington on September 25. Capital Vision Research Trust is a registered charitable body whose primary aim is providing funding for scientific and community based research into eye diseases and treatments.

Guest speaker on the night is Weta Digital director Joe Letteri - who worked on the award winning movie Avatar, and will be sharing exclusive ‘behind the scenes’ insights into the technical aspects of making the film.
Among the items up for auction on the night are three of the year’s best photos from the Dominion Post newspaper (framed by Art for Art Sake) - one of which is signed by Prime Minister John Key.

The auction will be conducted by Bayleys national auction manager Campbell Dunoon, while Wellington mayor Kerry Prendergast is guest of honour. The event takes place at the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts on Queens Wharf in the city.

The $95 tickets are available from Bayleys city office in Brandon Street above Kirkcaldie and Stains, or through Capital Vision Research Trust manager Helen Martin on 04 384 3937.

Bayleys residential manager Babette Newman said the company was working closely with Capital Vision Research Trust to ensure an audience of at least 80-100 people were lined up for what promised to be a highly entertaining night.”

“Capital Vision Research Trust requires a considerable sum to continue running each year and delivering the services so critical to supporting research and study into eye diseases. This charity dinner and auction is the organisation’s biggest single fundraising event,” she said.

“The rationale for holding this event within an art gallery is to emphasise just how important eyesight is for the overwhelming majority of people – yet so often we take for granted the ability to see the beauty which surrounds us on a daily basis.

“During the course of the dinner we hope that people will come to appreciate just how special the gift of sight is, and how it enables us to lead normal lives.”