Papatoetoe Community to benefit again

Saturday 16 October 2010, 11:04AM

By Raji Singh




The St George Charitable Trust is back and calling for applications for the first round of grants after a number of years where no grants have been made.

The St George Charitable Trust is advising community groups and organisations working in and for the Papatoetoe community to apply for funding. The grants process opens on 1 October and close on 1 of November for applications for funding for the period 1 January 2011 - 30 June 2011.

Chairman Raghbir Singh said “The trust has worked hard over the last few years since the Papatoetoe Licensing Trust was wound up in 2006. The profits from that Trust which included the monies from the sale of the St George Taven were gifted to the St George Charitable Trust. Over the last 4 years the St George Charitable Trustees have worked hard investing the money to get to the point where we are now in a position to start returning a portion of the profits back to the Papatoetoe community.”

Vice Chairman Gail Absolum said “ I am absolutely committed to seeing a portion of the profits returned to the Papatoetoe community, and the trustees have worked hard to come up with a set of guidelines and policies and procedures to make the process as fair and transparent as possible.

Fellow Trustee Michael Clatworthy agreed. “The trust has limited funds but what funds we do have we want to ensure that they are being used to the best benefit of the Papatoetoe Community,” he said. “My hope is that we will continue to build the base funds we have, which will allow us to return even more money to the Papatoetoe community in the future.”

Raghbir Singh also remarked that the Trust has very strong guidelines about who will be approved for funding and suggested all interested groups get a copy of the Grants Policies and Procedures form which outlines in detail the relevant requirements. “We want to ensure these funds are benefiting the Papatoetoe Community, and as such applications from further afield will not be approved,” he said.

Application forms are now available from either the Papatoetoe Library or by emailing

Raghbir Singh
Chairman St George Charitable Trust
021 449065

Gail Absolum
Vice Chairman St George Charitable Trust

Michael Clatworthy
Trustee St George Charitable Trust