Senshu Marathon Clinic

Tuesday 19 October 2010, 5:20PM

By Wellington City Council



Together with the Wellington Sakai Association, we're looking for a marathon runner to represent us in the Senshu International City Marathon in Japan next February.
This opportunity comes from our sister-city link with Sakai, one of the host cities.
The deadline for entry is Tuesday 
9 November. Six finalists will be selected from the pool of applicants. Wellington's Mayor will choose the winner from a hat live on NewstalkZB between 7.00am and 9.00am on Saturday 
13 November.
Application forms can be picked up at our service centre on Wakefield Street, libraries, swimming pools, recreation centres, Newstalk ZB, Sport Wellington, Japanese Information and Cultural Centre and sports shops and gyms / fitness centres throughout the city, or by phoning Bev Hodge on (04) 232 3246
To enter you must:
  • have completed marathons
  • be a Wellington City resident
  • be over 18 years-old
  • be a regular runner, fit and in training
  • be able to run a mostly flat course marathon in winter conditions in four hours or less
  • be very keen and able to be an ambassador for Wellington city
  • be willing to embrace, contribute to and participate in the Wellington-Sakai sister city relationship while in Sakai and after you return home.