2010 Trustpower adventure quest returns to central Queenstown

Friday 5 November 2010, 4:42PM

By Adventure Quest



Leading Queenstown multisporters Mark Williams and Matt Wood, making up Team R&R Sport, have been inspired to compete in the TrustPower Adventure Quest in the resort on Saturday November 13, because of the fun element of the treasure hunt style event.
Now in its eighth year the Adventure Quest is expected to attract between 60 to 80 teams and Williams says it is a great opportunity to compete “in our own backyard.”
“After 18 months of hard, tough competition it is good to have a change of focus and enter something like the Adventure Quest. The course is always interesting and teams can go as fast or as slow as they like. There is something for all levels and it is good to have it based out of the Queenstown downtown area this year. It’s always a good atmosphere and fun to be part of.”
Race Director Geoff Hunt says the race headquarters will be at Earnslaw Park, the first time since 2004.
“We are pleased to bring the event back into Central Queenstown and disciplines will include walking, running, biking and orienteering. It is open to social treasure hunters, elite sportspeople and orienteering experts. Much of the appeal is that family groups and friends and colleagues can form teams and have a go without feeling intimidated.”
 Hunt says there will be new territory, as well as familiar country for people to explore, as they hunt for clues which will be concealed at 70 different locations. Teams are provided with a map and a list of clues and have six hours to complete the event.
“We really want to encourage family groups to take part. Last year we had an 11-year-old competing with her mother and it was a great introduction to adventure racing for her.  The younger people are also pretty clued up when it comes to the treasure hunt and problem solving.”
Title sponsor TrustPower has been an integral part of the Adventure Quest since its inception and their community relations representatives Melanie Tavendale (Oamaru) and Suzi Luff (Tauranga) will work on the event this year as marshalls.
“We appreciate the support Trustpower gives us and it is always good to have their representatives working alongside us at the coalface,” says Hunt.
The TrustPower Adventure Quest involves teams of two competing in serious and social divisions in open, female and mixed categories.
Registration will be at Earnslaw Park at 8.30a.m. followed by a briefing ten minutes prior to the start of the race.