Wellington bar wins Guinness PintMaster regional final

Wednesday 17 November 2010, 3:31PM

By The PR Shop



The current champs at pouring a perfect pint of Guinness will get to defend their title after winning the Guinness PintMaster regional finals for the third time in a row.

Dermot Murphy and Finbarr Clabby from D4’s Irish Bar and Restaurant beat four other teams from the lower North Island to win the regional round held at Chicago Sports Bar last night.

Their win means they qualify for the national final, which they won last year, and get to defend their status as New Zealand’s best Guinness pint pourers. They will test their pint pouring skills against four other teams from across the country at the national final on December 8 in Auckland.

Murphy, who moved from Dublin to New Zealand nine years ago, was blown away by the win. “This is our third year at D4 so is a fantastic way to celebrate. We’re going from strength to strength.”  

Clabby was feeling the pressure this year and was relived they were through. “This win is a real achievement. Competition was very tough, we can’t wait to get to Auckland.”      

The Guiness PintMaster competition is an annual event that began three years ago. Teams of two are scored on their pint pouring skills, engagement with the crowd and a Guinness cocktail of their creation.

Guinness NZ Marketing Manager Adrian Hirst says the competition was tight but Murphy and Clabby had the edge.

“It?s a skill to be able to pour the perfect pint of Guinness and there was a very high level of pint pouring quality across all five finalist bars. The winners were also able to display a real sense of presence and personality behind the bar which is so intrinsic to Guinness.”

Winners of the National Final will each receive a cash prize of $1759, which is the year The Guinness Brewery at St. James?s Gate was founded.

Regional finals are also being held in Christchurch and Queenstown.