Dog Guru confirmed to hit New Plymouth

Tuesday 7 December 2010, 3:24PM

By Dog Guru


Dogs in New Plymouth can now breath a sigh of relief as Simon Goodall from Dog Guru comes down to speak once again at the Dog Day out on the 16th January. Simon was one of the favourites from last year and he is offering more exciting new tips this year.

Simon says he has been working over the last year on great new ideas in training to get better results and his team at Dog Guru have been hard at work putting them to the test.

This year Simon will be working on teaching their owners how to walk their dogs off lead and getting them to come back, all without talking. Simon says that the way dogs are designed it is easier to teach them using sight as oppose to verbal cues so he will be talking to the crowd about how exactly how to do this.

You can see Simon in action at the Dog Day Out at New Plymouth at the North Taranaki Dog Training Club on the Sunday 16th January between 2 - 4pm. View more about Dog Guru at