Wellington Welcomes Leaky-homes Progress

Wednesday 15 December 2010, 4:57PM

By Wellington City Council



Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown says she is very pleased that Parliament has progressed legislation aimed at hastening the repair of leaky homes around the country.

The Weathertight Homes Resolution Service (Financial Assistance Package) Amendment Bill passed its first reading in the House last week.

Under the proposed Bill, the Government will contribute 25% of the cost of repairing a leaky home and local authorities will also pay 25% with the owner paying the remaining 50%.

Mayor Wade-Brown says the reading brings the financial assistance package a step nearer to reality. "I know there are home owners in Wellington - and in other parts of the country - who will welcome the fact the proposed package has passed its first Parliamentary stage."

Wellington City Council voted unanimously in September to confirm the Council's commitment to the assistance package.

Mayor Wade-Brown says the proposed package would give owners of leaky homes a good choice. "If passed, and if owners decide to opt-in, to the package will give them certainty that they will get their homes fixed, dry and healthy."

The prime focus of the FAP proposal to councils, she adds, is to maximise the number of leaky homes getting fixed speedily and at an affordable price.

"This is a big improvement on the current situation for homeowners, for Council and for the ratepayers. More money will be spent on actually fixing people's homes, instead of being spent on legal and expert costs."