Revelers reminded of liquor Ban this new years eve

Friday 24 December 2010, 1:33PM

By Hurunui District Council



Revelers are being warned not to consume alcohol on the streets of Hanmer Springs or Gore Bay on New Years Eve unless they want to start 2011 in jail.

Liquor bans are in force from 7:00pm on December 31st 2010, to 7:00am January 1st, 2011 which means drinking is banned within the town centres except at licensed, residential or business premises and within the confines of the Gore Bay campgrounds.

Hurunui District Council Liquor Licensing Inspector, Dianne Morrison, says the bans are not designed to stop people having fun, but to ensure everyone is able to do so.

“While we want residents and visitors to enjoy the festivities, we simply ask that they respect the ban – which is only in place for 12 hours – so that everyone can see in the New Year in a happy and safe way.”

The liquor ban has been in force in Gore Bay since 2003 and was extended to Hanmer Springs a couple of years later after a serious incident involving a large number of heavily intoxicated young people.

And police are warning it will be vigorously enforced.

Sergeant Graeme Crosson says while alcohol is a part of the traditional revelry around seeing in the New Year the simple fact is “some take it as a license to go too far”.

“There is always the potential for alcohol abuse on New Years Eve and that’s been proven time and again our small towns and holiday places.

“There was a significant amount of disorder in Hanmer Springs for example, last year, and in particular at Balmoral camp ground which we are keen to avoid this year.”

He warns police will confiscate any alcohol where it is being consumed in breach of the ban and will prosecute offenders.

“It’s not about putting stopping people enjoying themselves, it’s about dealing with disorder before it becomes an issue so the behaviour of a few doesn’t impact adversely on others, so that everybody enjoys themselves in the environment without fear of unpleasantness.”

Signs are being posted at the entrances of the townships and flyers and posters distributed to holiday homes, motels and licensed premises advertising the liquor bans.

Anyone caught breaching the ban can be arrested and fined up to $20,000 dollars.

The liquor bans will run in both townships from 7:00pm December 31st, 2010 to 7:00am January 1st 2011.

Licensed premises including those with special licenses, or residences, or business premises, outdoor council licensed street dining in Hanmer Springs where alcohol is consumed with a meal, and the Gore Bay campgrounds are EXEMPT; as is the transport of UNOPENED liquor to and from residences or licensed premises.