Deadline looms for media scholarship

Friday 28 January 2011, 12:04PM

By Julie Starr

400 views, the online marketplace for news stories and cartoons, has sweetened the pot for The Media Scholarship, adding a free ticket to WordCamp to the winner's package which also includes tickets to Webstock and The Onyas.

The successful scholar will first attend Webstock, where the speakers include co-founder of The Pirate Bay Peter Sunde, performance artist Amanda Palmer, co-founder of Tumblr and founder of Instapaper Marco Arment, data journalist David McCandless, cartoonist Scott McCloud, Ruby on Rails luminary (and co-founder) Michael Koziarski and web designer Jason Santa Maria.

They’ll get a ticket to the website awards, the Onyas, which reward the best websites in New Zealand – and a ticket to WordCamp.

The scholarship package represents a lot of opportunities for contact-building, interviewing web stars from here and overseas, and learning a whole lot more about the digital universe.

But potential scholars will have to be quick getting their applications in - the deadline is this Sunday, January 30, 2011.

Here are the details of the scholarship:

The Award
• Media registration for both days of the Webstock conference (Thursday & Friday February 14-18, 2011) which includes conference pass, free coffee, and much-admired conference bag and other schwag.
• A face to face interview set up for you with at least one Webstock speaker and the opportunity to mix and mingle with others.
• A ticket to the WordCamp conference (Saturday & Sunday (February 19-20, 2011)
• A ticket to the Onya Awards 2011.

How to Apply
Email Julie Starr - - by January 30, 2011 explaining:

• why you would like to attend Webstock 2011
• which speaker you most want to interview and why
• which publication you write for or intend to pitch any Webstock-related stories to
• how the scholarship would help you in your career
• why you’re the right person for the scholarship

The scholar will be required to write at least three stories for publication in the lead-up to and during the conference. The stories must be written to national newspaper standard.

You must be available to attend Webstock in Wellington on Thursday February 17 and Friday February 18 2011.

You must be an active member of with a completed profile and at least one publication-standard news story or feature posted for sale on the site as at January 30, 2011. Not a member yet? It's free and quick to register today!

You must be able to cover the costs of travel, accommodation and incidental expenses related to attending the conference yourself.

Got a question?
Email and she’ll help you out. Or follow #tams on Twitter.