Tauranga Maori Party Branch Stands By Its Man And Says Te Ururoa Stand Strong

Monday 7 February 2011, 8:01AM

By Tauranga Moana Branch Maori Party



A meeting of the Tauranga Branch of the Maori Party yesterday unanimously endorsed Te Ururoa Flavell’s principled stance not to carry out a media tit-for-tat style debate and the branch membership encourages him to ‘Stand Strong’ said local Chairman Te Awanui Black.

In reference to media hype around MP Hone Harawira and Te Tai Tokerau electorate spokespeople comments in the media, Mr Black said Te Ururoa has stayed true to kaupapa Maori and shown integrity by abiding by the party’s tikanga process to resolve this issue.

“At no time has the Maori Party leadership acted outside of its kaupapa. They have been honest, open and transparent and dealt with this issue as rangatira. We wholeheartedly endorse this approach,” he said.

Mr Black said Te Ururoa and the party leadership have Tauranga Moana’s 100% support.

“This matter has been whipped up into a political storm when in fact it is insignificant compared to the plight of our people. Our people need to remember the Maori Party is the only political party ever to stand strong for Maori and we should not be drawn into or distracted by this. Our MPs have achieved more for us in one term than any other Party in more than 170 years since the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. Remember that.

“For the sake of the unity and the future of the party we think as a result of Hone’s more recent statements, he has made his own decision. Our old people here in Tauranga and many of our whanau have told me they are hurting because of this continued media furore.

“Our People, Party and kaupapa are bigger than personalities and singular issues and that is what will triumph at the end of the day. Kia kaha Te Ururoa.”