One dead and two in Middlemore after weekend house fires in Rotorua

Monday 14 March 2011, 8:09AM

By New Zealand Police



Rotorua Police and Fire Safety Officers are today carrying out a scene examination on a house in Dickens Street, Rotorua, following the death of a 38 year old local man in a house fire overnight.

The Fire Service were called to the address at about 9.20pm last night where they found the house well ablaze. The 38 year old man was located in the lounge area and dragged from the flames by Fire Service members and given CPR.

Ambulance and Hospital staff revived the man several times, however, despite their continued efforts he died shortly after midnight.

A post mortem examination will take place tomorrow and the matter has been referred to the coroner. The man will not be formally named by Police until all next of kin have been notified.

Last night’s fire follows another fire in Puriri Crescent, Rotorua on Friday night which resulted in two males being admitted to Middlemore Hospital with burns to their heads and arms.

The Fire Service were called to this fire shortly after 10.30pm where they found the house well alight.

Five people were in the house when the fire took hold, however, smoke alarms alerted the occupants to the fire and they were able to evacuate the building.

Enquiries into the cause of that fire are continuing, however, at this stage there is nothing to suggest the two fires are connected.