Positively Wellington Tourism Campaign Finalist in CAANZ Media Awards

Friday 8 April 2011, 5:26PM

By Positively Wellington Tourism



Positively Wellington Tourism’s (PWT) Domestic Marketing Strategy – which has seen commercial guest nights spent in Wellington by New Zealanders surge over 13% in the space of five years - is among the finalists of this year’s CAANZ Media Awards.

The tourism campaign joins the Ministry of Health’s fight against depression, the national cervical screening programme and promotions by Johnson & Johnson and Telecom as a finalist in the ‘Best Long Term Strategic Campaign’ section, which recognises consistency in strategic marketing.

PWT Chief Executive David Perks says while the creativity of the organisation’s campaigns have received extensive awards recognition over the years, the strategy is what really counts.

“We can have the most seen, the most memorable and the most beautiful campaigns there are, but what really matters to us and our partners are the delivery on the experience, and the numbers – bums on seats and bodies in beds. Regardless of whether we win the award or not, having our team’s dedication to delivering tangible results recognised at this level is simply fantastic.”

Domestic commercial accommodation guest nights in Wellington increased 13.8% in the five years to December 2010 – far exceeding a national market increase of 3.7% over the same period.

“Wellington’s journey from what some might say was a ‘windy grey dump’ to the ‘coolest little capital in the world’ is well documented and well known,” Mr Perks says. “What is perhaps less known is that a heck of a lot of work and energy goes into ensuring that position stands and that New Zealanders are constantly presented with reasons to visit and inspired to return again and again.”

Matt McNeil, General Manager OMD, says the media placement of the campaign has moved from a traditional TV-led strategy, to a multi-channel, multi-layered approach with digital channels increasingly coming to the fore.

“This is reflective of the changing media habits of tourism audiences over the last few years. Having a strong long term strategic framework and a brave client has been critical to the campaign's ongoing success."

The CAANZ Media Awards winners will be announced on Thursday June 2.

:: You can view and read about PWT's current and past campaigns right here on

Positively Wellington Tourism Marketing Awards

:: Have a Love Affair with Wellington won the Tourism Marketing award and Major Category Winner - Tourism and Transportation Services at the 2006 New Zealand Tourism Awards. The campaign was also a finalist in the AXIS Awards in 2005.

:: Spoil Yourself in Wellington was a finalist in two AXIS Awards categories in 2009

:: There’s No Place Like Wellington won bronze in the animation category of Australia’s 2011 Award awards and was short listed in the Spikes Asia Awards at the Spikes advertising festival in Singapore.