Mayor confirms support for multi-modal approach

Thursday 21 April 2011, 9:58AM

By Wellington City Council



Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown has welcomed tonight's vote by the City Council confirming its support for the New Zealand Transport Agency's Ngauranga to Wellington Airport Corridor Plan.

The Council tonight agreed to support the underlying premise that the transport issues within Wellington city can only be addressed by the implementation of a multi-modal package.

The Council agreed to:

  • Support, subject to satisfactory design, the delivery of peak period lanes on SH1 between Ngauranga and Aotea Quay, with concurrent changes to Hutt Road as set out in the Plan, and improvements around the Basin Reserve to separate north/south flows from east/west traffic and to achieve the performance measures set out in the Corridor Plan.
  • Support, subject to confirmation of need and design options, improvements to Wellington Road, Ruahine Street, and the duplication of the Mt Victoria and the Terrace Tunnels.
  • Support the provision of public transport improvements, and travel demand management, walking and cycling measures.
  • Support the requirement for public consultation on the proposed NZTA projects on State Highway 1 and be an active and supportive partner during the consultation phase of these projects
  • Participate in the NZTA committee on public consultation and agree to appoint the Mayor, Celia Wade-Brown, Deputy Mayor Ian McKinnon, the Council's Transport Portfolio Leader, Andy Foster, and the Council's Community Engagement Portfolio Leader, Paul Eagle.

Mayor Wade-Brown says there have been many local and global issues raised in the Ngauranga to Airport debate.

"With a clear Council position,  I now look forward to a full briefing from NZTA on the details of its proposals for the route - and I am committed to the Council working with NZTA to facilitate public consultation on the proposals,'' says the Mayor.

"In particular, I welcome the proposal by the NZTA for a consultation committee of representatives of WCC, GWRC and NZTA to ensure the views of all Wellingtonians are heard on the package of proposals.

The NZTA tonight issued a statement welcoming the Council's support as "an important step towards progressing the multi-modal initiatives embraced in the plan.''

Mayor Wade-Brown also welcomed yesterday's announcement that Government funding has been approved for a $1 million study - part of the corridor plan that the Council voted to support - on a high-quality public transport route through the city to the Regional Hospital.

The study will consider the best options for a high quality public transport route through Wellington City. Tenders will be called for the study within the next few weeks.

The Public Transport Spine Study is being carried out by Greater Wellington Regional Council, in partnership with Wellington City Council and the NZ Transport Agency. The study will assess the feasibility and merits of a range of long-term options for a high frequency, high quality public transport system between Wellington Railway Station and Wellington Regional Hospital, including possible connections to the north and south-east. Options investigated will include light rail and bus.

"I remain committed to advancing a light-rail route between the Railway Station and the Airport ? public transport has always been my priority,'' says the Mayor.

"Many Wellingtonians choose public transport for their journeys to work, education or recreation. Now we must improve its reliability and cut journey times. Light rail, as one option, has additional potential to bring in investment along its route, as shown in many cities overseas from Nottingham to Portland. Efficient public transport is crucial for our economy.''

Detailed information on the project is available online at