Message from the grass roots – Pharmac is non-negotiable

Friday 27 May 2011, 2:32PM

By Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa


After visiting more than a dozen provincial towns and cities* on a speaking tour focussed on informing the public about the downsides of the TransPacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), which New Zealand is currently negotiating with the US and several other Pacific Rim states, the NZ Not For Sale Campaign Convenor Murray Horton reports that public feeling is running high against ditching Pharmac.

''New Zealanders know what a bad – and expensive - health system they have in the US '' says Mr Horton. ''They don't want a bar of it.''

''The Prime Minister is making a bad mistake by saying that Pharmac is still on the table for negotiation, and implying that New Zealand could possibly gain something better than Pharmac by opening the door even wider to profiteering American drug companies.''

'' Pharmac saves money – and it saves lives. Noone wants to pay more for essential medicines, or die for lack of them. Which part of 'non-negotiable' does John Key not understand?''

Mr Horton's speaking tour continues across the Top of the South from May 30-June 2 inclusive, and he will be distributing postcards calling on the government to stop negotiating the TPPA, and other politicians to oppose it. These are also available via the NZ Nor For Sale Campaign's website –